The Moravian Seal
The Seal is a combination of the Victorious Lamb and the inscription: “Vicit Agnus Noster - Eum Sequamur (Our Lamb has Conquered, Let Us Follow Him)”. The Lamb, a symbol for Christ, is an image well attested to in Scripture (John 1:29, Ex 12:21-27, Isa. 53:7, etc.). This combination of the two is uniquely Moravian and therefore is used as the seal of our Church. The combination was first used in the 16th century. The Victorious Lamb represents Moravian theology excellently.
“It shows the centrality of Jesus Christ and testifies to the mystery that by the sacrifice of his life he overcame the destructive powers of sin and death. He was willing to suffer evil and violence rather than to inflict violence upon others. When he died on the cross, it appeared as if the forces of evil had conquered the power of love and mercy. But God raised him from death and granted him victory over sin and death. As believers we are called to follow Christ’s way and witness to his message of non-violent love.”
(Ed. Peter Vogt, Our Moravian Treasures, Christiansfeld: Worldwide Moravian Church Unity Office, 2019, Pages 43-44)